Monday, 21 November 2011

Macrobiotics - food and eating but not only!

When I left for Amsterdam I had a completely different goal in mind, and that was to interview sex workers in the red lights district for the "sustainable sex" series that I was planning for. I will still try to get those interviews for my future programs but while in Amsterdam and living with my friends I was pleasantly surprised to find out about macrobiotics and having the chance to make an interview on it I jumped at it.

Diego Ferioli has been involved in the Kushi Institute for Macrobiotics in Amsterdam for about a year learning while working there as a volunteer. He took from that what he needed and applyed it to his day to day life to the point that him and his friends would always find themselves in a cosy atmosphere cooking together and being close. On the Kushi institute you can find out more here:

As the local contact I got in touch with the owner of Ana Banana, the only vegan restaurant in Luxembourg which as it happens is also based on macrobiotics principles.  Ana Ruivo was kind enough to repeat the interview with me after the microphone stubornly didn't want to hand over the first file I got and was a pleasure to talk. You cna find her and lovely house/home/restaurant at

To wrap it up I will also mention the Critical Mass that will take place this Friday and should be quite massive for the first time in a long time as well as information evenings planned by ASTM (Action Solidarité Tiers Monde). On this organisation and others you can find out more from here: