Monday, 31 October 2011

Sustainable sex

How long can you endure? Last? Go on pleasuring your partner(s) without reaching the point of no return (of which scientists have been warning for years of course)? These might be the first puns that would come to mind when the two terms are associated. Sustainable sex seems to be a lethal duo fit for a 10 cents gossip magazine (or playboy at best). Still I am not going to invade the airwaves of a free radio such as Radio Ara here in Luxembourg with anything less than honest conversations and interviews on a topic that should be of a greater focus than that of green roofs, bikes and gardens since it lies at the base of our human interactions and as any natural builder could tell you, the secret of a sturdy, lasting building lies in it's foundation, it's base. So if we are to go on and march in the streets, protest and demand change why not do the exercise of acting locally first and foremost and change or reconsider the things that we can alter on a regular basis, with no politicians to hold our hand (or other body parts)? Whether it's starting a community garden, riding and learning how to fix a bike, going vegan or just as simple learning more about what makes us happy in our day to day life can be simple yet meaningful steps towards a more sustainable society.

So for this and many other reasons next week's program will focus on sex as part of this network of influences that could possibly give us more time on this planet, network that we call sustainability. We'll hear from an activist from Vancouver that came into the studios of Radio Ara to openly talk about subjects at hand. Also this week if hitchhiking will be possible there are plans for interviews in the red lights district of Amsterdam for a next program which will still focus on sustainable sex with interviews from ZEGG, a community close to Berlin from the website of which you can read "We want to encourage everyone to take responsibility for their own future.  Only a wide network of multifaceted life models can become a foundation for a new society."

On Radio Ara from 2PM on the 7th of November, that being next Monday and on soundcloud you can hear the ending of the program that was left out because I could not actually fit it in the one hour available but also because it gives more detailed information about websites that I will also write bellow: - "Shortbus" movie - sexual education - sex collumnist Dan Savage.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Sepp Holtzer - inspiration for mountain farmers

Sepp Holtzer has been at the forefront of permaculture in Austria and now the world through the influence of his many books, website and guided tours that he gives on his extended property in the Austrian Alps. And he has been doing that long before he was even acquainted with the term of permaculture. In doing so many people call his model of agriculture Holzer permaculture.

He is now working on presenting his techniques and sensitive way of working with the land to a large audience around the world and on Monday the 24th from 2PM on Radio Ara we will hear an interview of him conducted by Katy Fox and Rodrigo Vergara from the Center for Ecological Learning Luxembourg (CELL -

It will unfortunately only be in German but hopefully a small presentation in English will also be available since his model can benefit many in sensitive areas such as Rosia Montana of Romania where a gold corporation is threatening to destroy four mountain tops in the greatest ecological, social and architectural disaster in Europe after Chernobyl. Mountain tops that could very well be suited for Holzer permaculture. Take a look at the area and just imagine hundreds of species of edible leafed trees, fruit and nut trees, fruit bushes, pumpkins growing on rocks, chickens and goats running freely in certain areas and you might see Paradise where Hell is planned in Rosia Montana:

Here is the same type of terrain transformed according to Holzer Permaculture:

Monday, 10 October 2011

Solidarity with Rosia Montana

With so many struggles coming into public conscience these days Rosia Montana is also getting more well known and with good reason, being the biggest environmental issue of Europe since Cernobyl. In today's program on the 10th of October you can hear more about what happened in Romania during the 10 days of the Reclaim the fields camp but especially what happened during the direct action day on the 28th of September when the (dis)information office of the gold corporation was occupied by a handfull of people that managed to close it down for the day. There was no violent police intervention other than some pushing and shoving which makes you wonder if the direct actions could have went a bit further with squating some of the amazing local houses which are now abandoned. If activism was so simple everyone would do it on a daily basis so maybe we should, at least in Rosia Montana, Romania.

You can also hear about the nyleni forum that was presented outside the office of the corporation and on which you can read up more here:

The local community of resistence in Rosia Montana is currently waiting the outcome of this outrageous disccussions going on in the Romanian parlament around the subject of whether the company will have the right to expropriate them or not. I will keep you updated of any developments but until than don't shy away from going into the streets to meet people that are faced with similar struggles closer to home. 15th of October is a day of worldwide direct action against big corporations and corupt governments (which ones aren't at this point?): in which you can also take direct action just by going out into the streets and meeting other people from other walks of life. Take it from there. There is also the growing movement centered around establishing a free space in Luxembourg of which you can find out more at Briefly on the attempt to occupy an abanoned house on Friday, the 7th of October in Luxembourg city during the program.

I also dedicate this program to the struggle of this 95 braves that opposed the violent corridas in the south of France and that resited the blows of the violent corrida supporters as strongly as the Rosia Montana locals have been resisting blow after blow from the gold corporation for the last 12 years:

Today's program can be downloaded and used as you see fit from here: